European Powerlifting Benchpress & Deadlift Championships 2019
Raw – Classic Raw – Single ply – Multiply
Date = 10th to the 16th
⚫ Weigh-in Schedule
All weigh-ins are 24hr the day before you lift in accordance to international rules!
Weigh-in times are as follows
Daily 9am – 10.30
Daily 4pm – 5.30pm
Under no circumstances will any lifter be allowed weighin on the day lift. This is strictly prohibited under the international rules.
⚫ AWPC Lifting Schedule
Monday 10th = Start of Weigh-ins for Tuesdays AWPC lifters.
Tuesday 11th = Raw Powerlifting.
All male & female all age groups & weight categories.
Wednesday 12th = Classic Powerlifting.
Male & female all age groups & weight categories.
Thursday 13th = Equipped Powerlifting.
Single-ply & Multiply, male & female all age groups & weight categories.
All single-lift Benchpress
Raw Single-ply & Multiply, male & female all age groups & weight categories.
All single-lift Deadlift
Raw Single-ply & Multiply, male & female all age groups & weight categories.
⚫ WPC Lifting Schedule
Thursday 13th = Start of Weigh-ins for Fridays
WPC lifters.
Friday 14th = Raw Powerlifting.
All male & female all age groups & weight categories.
Saturday 15th = Classic Powerlifting.
Male & female all age groups & weight categories.
Sunday 16th = Equipped Powerlifting.
Single-ply & Multiply, male & female all age groups & weight categories.
Sunday 16th = Single-lift Benchpress
Raw Single-ply & Multiply, male & female all age groups & weight categories.
Sunday 16th = single-lift Deadlift
Raw Single-ply & Multiply, male & female all age groups & weight categories.
Please take note this is only a preliminary schedule lifting schedule & is subject to change. I will give a more detailed schedule closer the date!
⚫ Entry
⚫International entries will be only accepted from your WPC affiliated country head.
⚫ AWPC – Lifters entry fees
Full Powerlifting = €90
Single lift Benchpress = €90
Single lift Deadlift = €90
If doing two or more additional events first entry = €90 & all other entries after = €45 per lifter.
lifters entering both Junior/Open or Master/Open same applies entry fee €90 + €45
⚫ WPC – Lifters entry fees
Full Powerlifting = €80
Single lift Benchpress = €80
Single lift Deadlift = €80
If doing two or more additional events first entry = €80 & all other entries after = €40 per lifter.
lifters entering both Junior/Open or Master/Open same applies entry fee €80 + €40
ENTRY CLOSING DATE: Friday 26th of April 2019
This is strictly the deadline there will be no add on’s after the above date.
Team Entry forms will be on all event links IPO & WPC websites at a later date!
⚫ International payment & entry details only.
Payment can be made by bank transfer to the correct & full amount transfer fee to be covered by all.
Country heads, Please leave message stating country affiliation when making payment.
Payment Details
Beneficiary Bank: Permanent tsb.
Beneficiary Bank Address: University Court, Castletroy Limerick, Ireland.
Beneficiary Name: Irish Powerlifting Organisation.
IBAN: IE39IPBS99072624025542
International lifters contact your country head for qualification and registration details to enter.
⚫ Venue
The venue is at the hotel, The Great National South Court hotel Limerick.
Room rates
Nightly rate 10% discount on best available rate for delegates lifters & attendees who book via the website
Online discount code is “europeans19”
⚫ Airports & Transport
Shannon international airport, Only 20 mins drive to the hotel venue & Limerick city center.
Dublin airport 2 hours by car or 2.5 hours by bus from Limerick city.
⚫ Buses from Dublin Airport.
⚫ Tourist attractions
For any other information please email Shane.brodie@yahoo.ie
I look forward to welcoming you all to Ireland.
Shane Brodie
Promoter WPC AWPC Europeans