2008 APF High School Nationals -- Baton Rouge, La.
The attached snapshot by Teresa Frank gives an excellent overview of our
recent APF High School Nationals. The meet was on 2 elevated carpeted
platforms. As typical for a Garry Frank/Hardcore Barbell production the
backdrop was airbrushed in a patriotic theme specific to the event. The
lifter staging area was behind the backdrop. Lifter entry from an
opening between the platforms resulted in increased focus on each lifter as
they approached the platform for their attempt. There were display screens in
the lifter staging area and at each end of the platforms that worked well in
keeping lifters, coaches, spectators, and officials current on lifter
status. Having a red monolift on one platform and a blue monolift on the
other fit well visually into the meet scheme. Both days of the competition
were well attended. Feedback from all involved was very positive. This was a
great start to what's intended to be an annual event.
mike mcd